Ebates Coupons and Cash Back My 1905 Kansas Victorian: Wallpaper

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Back on November 9, I said that we were starting to rip out the closet in our sunroom which is right off our bedroom. We finished that project before Thanksgiving so I need to post the final pictures. However, what we thought was interesting was how many layers of wall paper we found in that closet. Let me just share them with you.

This is the one type of wallpaper that I would have liked when it was on the wall. It has a beautiful deep maroon color with a very bold leaf pattern.

This was the last layer that was put on. It was the layer we could see.

This is a very weird 50's wallpaper that apparently everyone in town has lurking in their house.

This looks like maybe 30's or 50's wallpaper.

I just can't imagine how this one looked originally.

These were all layered on top of each other in my closet. It was a real voyage of discovery.


John said...

It's too bad that you don't have more of the pattern for the first one pictured. It looks similar, possibly identical, to the wallpaper we found in our front bedroom. It had the same deep red/maroon, flowers, and palm fronds.

Randee said...

Yes, that is the only piece we saw that we would have used if we could. It looks very rich.

I am shannon165 said...

I THINK I recognize some of that wallpaper! :) I too am in the process of restoring an old house in Kansas, build around 1900-1905.

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