Ebates Coupons and Cash Back My 1905 Kansas Victorian: What were they thinking?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

What were they thinking?

Anyone who has worked on a house that has had previous renovations will say that over and over. We say it about our ugly ceilings. I left my last entry saying the ceiling in the office is still a problem. When the plaster started to fail, some PO covered every ceiling available with those cardboard tiles. We found some in the attic so when we needed to repair the ceiling where we had taken out the cabinet in the office, we almost had enough to patch it all. Almost is the key word in that sentence. We ran just short.

You can see the tiny spot above the door where we just ran short of having enough of the hideous cardboard tiles to finish.

We have three different types of these tiles in the house and some popcorn ceilings. All will be redone back to smooth ceilings and raised to their original heights. We have done Rachel's and it's beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Ugh! I had those too, but only in one room. Oh, and you think the tiles are bad, wait till you get to the adhesive they used to stick them up there with. Think chemical dog poop.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh what a freakin nightmare. We had / have that on the entire 2nd floor. We had that right over 1000 layers of crappy wallpaper.

best of luck

Anonymous said...

We just got rid of those in one of the rooms in our house. Guess we had it easy though since they were stapled to strapping. The ceiling looks much better with drywall :-)

Randee said...

Yes, sometimes I just stand and admire the one ceiling we have sheetrocked. My husband worked hard to get it smooth and it looks wonderful. What was the fascination with those tiles??

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